GUEST POST - Ron Gavalik: The Eternal Search for Truth
An interview with author TJ Martinson about his debut novel Reign of the Kingfisher
On Writing: Does everything have to be part of the story?
Where the stories come from - a look at my writing process
Guest Post: Poet Scott Norman
Happy Valentines Day - here's some gifts
A tribute to Stan "The Man" Lee
Writing Horror: Channeling the negative
Hosting an AMA (ask me anything) even Sunday, September 2, 2018.
New Audiobook Thriller! After the Snowfall
Upcoming books and freelance writing
Writing Tips: Know when to walk away
Self-publishing: why use the Amazon publishing platform
How my day job helped me write S.P.I.D.A.R.
When the books get hard to write
Interview: Final blog tour stop for Storyland
Blog Tour Stop 4: SunShineSarahXO Guest Post
The depression of finishing a novel
Why every independent author needs to know SEO
Where do stories come from?