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Yeah, So, Now I'm on Instagram

Bryan W. Alaspa

So, just wanted to let you know that I am now on the social media photo-sharing site Instagram. I actually signed up for the thing years ago, but only now have I started posting things. It turns out, it's kind of fun and I have always considered myself a bit of an amateur photographer and this is appealing to that part of my brain.

What can you find there? Well, yeah, sure there is promotional stuff about my books (lots of TEXT stuff right now), but also lots of other random things such as:

Dogs - lots and lots of images of my dogs.

Weather - I have been on a binge posting about the beautiful weather and lamenting the fact I am stuck in the window-free office

Weird Videos - Been trying to do quick selfie-videos about things, but my wife has pointed out they tend to be shots up my nose and no one should be subjected to that.

So, if you are into that sort of thing, I hope you check me out and start following. I have to say, just posting regularly and going nuts with the hashtags has caused my number of followers to explode, which is cool. Now if I could just get them to buy books...hmmm.

Click HERE to follow, if you want.


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